Star Wars Saga Edition….

I started my STAR WARS: SAGA EDITION campaign tonight.

Here is a link to a low-res Quicktime movie (1.7mb) of a full intro that I whipped up on the Mac, and surprised the players with. We sat down to play, and I hit “play” on the DVD player, and, on the widescreen TV…..

…they saw THIS.

Best comment: “OHMYGOD. I’m 10 years old again.”

4 More Films for Daniel Craig….

The Daily Mail in the UK is reporting that Daniel Craig has signed a contract to do four more James Bond movies over the next decade.

The as-yet-untitled “Bond 22”, a direct sequel to Casino Royale is due out next year, and Sony is planning “Bond 23” for 2010.

(In other Bond news — the new novel, Devil May Care, by Sebastian Faulks, is due out on May 28th, for Ian Fleming’s centenary. It is described by Faulks as being set in 1967 when ‘Bond is damaged, aging and in a sense it is the return of the gunfighter for one last heroic mission.”)


As previously posted, I’m doing NaNoWriMo this month.

Here’s my user profile. Add me as a Buddy, if you so wish.

I won’t be talking about the novel here on my LJ at any point during the month– although every post I do make will feature a word count meter, so I can be reminded of my progress. (and, to be honest, the final project will be far longer than 50K. It’s just a goal for the month.)

So, here we go…..

0 / 50000 words. 0% done!