
Watched the Smirking Fratboy Address last night, if only to watch the Democratic Response, which was delivered by Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius (or “Kathy,” as The Minion refers to her, having spent part of the day in her company during her Legislative Paging session two years ago).

Very, very interesting. Did you hear any of it? The text can be found here.

Lots of references to a new kind of politics that leaves partisanship behind.

Constant repetition of the phrase “The New American Majority.”

A call for all lawmakers to join together and “Get to work.”

An echoing of one of JFK’s famous phrases, used to criticise the current political climate:

“In spite of the attempts to convince us that we are divided as a people, a new American majority has come together. We are tired of leaders who, rather than asking what we can do for our country, ask nothing of us at all.

I watched it and thought — Wow, Hillary Clinton has got to be PISSED. The Democratic Party has put another woman in the national spotlight, and she’s delivering *Obama’s* message.

Then, I saw a news item this morning: Sebelius to Endorse Obama Today.

I’d love to see an Obama/Sebelius ticket….not only because she’s a perfect example of bipartisanship (a popular Democratic Governor of a Redder-than-Red Republican state), but because having a woman on the ticket would be a powerful symbolic statement as well (and we all know that Hillary wouldn’t take the VP job).

Funny thing, I can’t help but think that the national party is thinking the same thing, and hedging their bets in Obama’s favor by putting Sebelius out there last night.

Blogging vs Writing Books, and the Game Industry

Game Industry writer Will Hindmarch discusses the topic, spinning from an Andrew Sullivan post.

Sullivan argues: “On a pain-per-word basis, books are harder. But at least there is a point at which they are over, at least in the writing. A blog never stops. The deadline is always with you.”

In this respect, Will argues that the treadmill of regular releases in the game industry are “the worst of both worlds,” with respect to length, the never-ending deadline, and the lack of feedback.

His summation (worth quoting):

“Remember that all those writers, developers, artists, and art directors behind those Vampire and D&D and other gaming books are doing it out of love. Erode that love for the work and the work suffers. Corrode it and the worker suffers, too. You don’t have to like the work, and you don’t have to stay quiet when you’re unhappy with it, but you don’t have to be a jerk, you know? And don’t stay quiet when you’re happy. Their job? It doesn’t have to be thankless work.”

Amen, brother.