Damn Dirty Apes…

(Spotted on Chris Roberson’s blog)

Blam! Ventures have announced that they’re producing a series of novels spun out of the original, classic Planet of the Apes film series, which will be illustrated by top SF, Fantasy and Comics artists. They’ll be showing previews at this coming weekend’s San Diego Comic Con.

The first novel, Conspiracy of the Planet of the Apes, is written by Andrew E.C. Gaska, Christian Berntsen and Erik Matthews, with a cover by Steranko, and interior illustrations by a host of others. The novel will tell the story of Landon, one of Taylor’s crewmates, and what happened to him during the events of the first film.

The series website is here.

Around 2000, I had contacted 20th Century Fox about licensing POTA for a roleplaying game. At the time, they told me that they were only interested in licensing the forthcoming Tim Burton film (which later rightfully bombed). I wonder if it’s time to try again….