From The Onion:
Bush Grants Self Permission To Grant More Power To Self
WASHINGTON, DC—In a decisive 1–0 decision Monday, President Bush voted to grant the president the constitutional power to grant himself additional powers.
“As president, I strongly believe that my first duty as president is to support and serve the president,” Bush said during a televised address from the East Room of the White House shortly after signing his executive order. “I promise the American people that I will not abuse this new power, unless it becomes necessary to grant myself the power to do so at a later time.”
The Presidential Empowerment Act, which the president hand-drafted on his own Oval Office stationery and promptly signed into law, provides Bush with full authority to permit himself to authorize increased jurisdiction over the three branches of the federal government, provided that the president considers it in his best interest to do so.
Wow.. that is pretty dead on.
What he really was going to say was, “I hear-by elect myself lord and ruler of this land. Oh, and by the way, I want first night rights too!”
Its a shame… Being the Onion, its quite possible that Bush could have defeated himself in this Bill 0-1… :)
But then thats the joke. You need to double take to make sure it is a piss-take.
Wow, I missed the onion part the first way through, and was pissed off.
It’s not telling that this could pass as an actual news item. No, ma’am, not telling at all.