Bush has quietly claimed sweeping new powers to open Americans’ mail without a judge’s warrant, adding a “signing statement” that declared his right to open people’s mail under emergency conditions to a postal reform bill which was signed into law during the Winter congressional recess.
I wonder how much of this ‘unfettered executive’ crap the public is going to stand for…..especially given the coming inevitable Vetos of every single bit of legislation passed by the Democratic Congress (which he already made ominous noises about in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal, warning Democrats not to pass “legislation as political statements.” — you know, unlike the Schiavo thing, The Gay Marriage Amendment, The Flag Burning Amendment, etc. etc.).
I think with Congress controlled by the opposition, it’s going to rapidly become very obvious to even the most blissfully uninformed of the American public that this chucklehead has assumed dictatorial powers, as he pretty much will be ignoring everything they do, signing what he wants, enacting what he wants, etc.
EDIT: It was just announced that Harriet Miers has resigned. Of course, the media is concentrating on the whole “failed Supreme Court nominee” bit….and conveniently ignoring the fact that on the day when the Democrats take control of Congress, gaining the ability to issue subpoenas and hold public hearings under oath, the White House’s Legal Counsel has suddenly quit.
EDIT: It was just announced that Harriet Miers has resigned. Of course, the media is concentrating on the whole “failed Supreme Court nominee” bit….and conveniently ignoring the fact that on the day when the Democrats take control of Congress, gaining the ability to issue subpoenas and hold public hearings under oath, the White House’s Legal Counsel has suddenly quit.
I figure she’s either quitting so that she can take over Negroponte’s job as Intelligence Chair or else BushCo suddenly realized they’ll need competent representation in the next two years instead of “My Little Crony.”
On the bright side: apparently, this signing statement has already been judged to be illegal for him to even attempt to use.
On the dark side: more evidence that George is in the bunker moving phantom panzer divisions around and blaming the fatherland for betraying him…