Stories of strange electoral results are starting to crop up. In a precinct in Ohio where 638 votes were cast, Bush was credited with 4,258 votes..
Of course, the only reason that was discovered was because it was so obvious. In more populous precincts all over the country, the same thing could be happening, and, if the precinct was using one of those nifty machines supplied by Diebold, there will be no way to confirm.
You wanted proof? There it is.
They did it again.
Get ready to hear Bush supporters all over the country saying that it was only an “isolated incident,” and that we should just get over it.
Ah, but you see, this is because You Hate America. America has spoken, through the miracle of Science and Proprietary Software Of Which Ye Wot Not Of (under penalty of copyright infringement) and has explicitly stated that it prefers its boots hobnailed and on it’s face, thank you very much. Any implications to the contrary must, perforce, be the whinging of unreconstructed Haterz Ov Amuriqa.
Democracy has Spoken, with …um, help (yeah, that’s it). Sometimes Democracy Needs Help! Help from clear sighted people who know what the people need better than they do, and know how to help them express their needs (that they didn’t know they had) in a way that everybody can feel good about. Because feeling good is what matters. So, Start Feeling Good.
Or we’ll get you.
[back in character] And, yes, they’ve already started saying that. Wasn’t even a day before they started with the “isolated incident blahblahblah why can’t you let it go and stop hating america” crap.
Bitter, party of two? Now seating.
Bitter? Hell yes.
Direct evidence of subverting the will of the electorate tends to bring that out in me.
I’m kooky that way.
Oh hey, could I get a table by the window instead?
Moi, bitter? Not at all!
…ok, maybe a bit. Maybe more than a bit. But bitter’s what I do best, man. Sarcasm’s what I have instead of a personality.
Pretty Flimsy Evidence….
Gareth, that’s not proof, and you know it. It’s circumstantial evidence at best. This error *could* be nothing more than a simple error. Is it suspicious? Yes, but that doesn’t mean it was the result of tampering.
And of course, the stupid remarks by the CEO of Diebold don’t help, but do you honestly believe he meant to suggest that they would fix the results?
“They” didn’t do anything. Kerry lost, just like Dole did. The main difference is that this time, Kerry conceded, and didn’t “take it back.”
And for the record, I voted for Kerry (and consider myself a Republican!). But you know what? The other guy won. It’s time to deal with the consequences and move on.
Take Care,
Lou Prosperi
You are not alone: These guys are *really* digging into the last election.
I’m glad somebody is.
Re: Pretty Flimsy Evidence….
This error *could* be nothing more than a simple error. Is it suspicious? Yes, but that doesn’t mean it was the result of tampering.
It also doesn’t mean it wasn’t. Taken in combination with the comments of the Diebold CEO, and with the actions of the Republicans in the last election, I think that Occam’s Razor applies, however.
It’s not the smoking gun, but it sure as hell is starting to smell like propellant and primer.
Let me ask the question this way. If Kerry had won and the votes had shown that Bush should have had more votes, would you be as upset as you are? How about if the votes had been miscounted in Kerry’s favor, so that a greater percentage had gone to Bush, would you stll be as upset?
Re: Pretty Flimsy Evidence….
I can start listing the Democratic voting “mistakes” as well, and I bet we would find a similar number of incidents. Both sides play to win, and both sides use every dirty trick in the book to do it. I doubt you can honestly claims that either side is completely without culpability. Its just that this time your candicate didn’t win. Can we not shake hands and say “good game, better luck next time”?
Re: Oh hey, could I get a table by the window instead?
You definitely get bonus points for the witty reparte’!
I wouldn’t have to be. The RNC hatchet-teams would be out in force. That’s the difference—the Dems are far more likely to roll over and take it, which pisses me off. Regardless of how I feel about the current Republican party (as opposed to what it traditionally has been, which are two very different things), I have to give it to them—they are organized and focused.
Re: Pretty Flimsy Evidence….
I can start listing the Democratic voting “mistakes” as well, and I bet we would find a similar number of incidents
I would take that bet.
Can we not shake hands and say “good game, better luck next time”?
You mean like the Republicans did under Clinton? Sure, we can do that.