, has researched a method for impeaching the President using a little known and rarely used part of the Rules of the House of Representatives (“Jefferson’s Manual”). This document actually empowers individual citizens to initiate the impeachment process themselves.
Before the House Judiciary Committee can put together the Articles of Impeachment, someone must initiate the impeachment procedure. Most often, this occurs when members of the House pass a resolution. Another method outlined in the manual, however, is for individual citizens to submit a memorial for impeachment.
ImpeachForPeace has made a DIY Impeachment Memorial, which can be downloaded here, making it possible for Americans to do what our representatives have been unwilling to do. The idea is for so many people to submit the Memorial that it cannot be ignored.
Feel free to download it, print out TWO copies, fill in your relevant information in the blanks (name, State, etc.), and send in two letters today (One to the Speaker of the House, and the other to John Conyers of the House Judiciary).
Hold on to another copy of the two letters until October 12th–when ImpeachForPeace wants a mass mailing. To quote them: “That’s right — to make a big impact, we’re having everyone send it in on the same date. We hope to flood the Judiciary Committee and John Conyers office with sacks of mail and cause a newsworthy event to further pressure the Congress to act on the memorials.”
Of course, for this to work, it would require that we still be living in a Constitutional Republic….something that I’m not entirely convinced of, any longer. But at least it’s something.
Why exactly do they want to wait until October 12th?
My guess is to create a buzz in the news cycle immediately prior to the mid-term elections.
Ah, I suppose that make sense. I guess I fear the damage he’ll do between now and then.
not that it’s likely to be picked up by news sources…
You’d love the license plate I saw today.