Ladies and Gentlemen……

….it is my happy duty to introduce you to the newest Lane Act to ply the paths and shadow-dappled streets of the Kansas City Renaissance Festival.

Courting Italians: Giacomo Casanova (yrs. truly) and two lovely Venetian courtesans: Beatrice () and Veronica ().

I have come to teach the English the true art of Wooing…..and to help, I’ve brought two women who are….shall we say…..pre-disposed towards wooing. Pre-woo’d, you might say.

Yes, folks: Bawdy, Brassy and Ballsy….just you wait.

(We had our meeting with the E.D. about it this morning— he was extremely receptive, and hired us on the spot. We’re all thrilled!)

9 Replies to “Ladies and Gentlemen……”

  1. *guffaw* Ok…did you know you were walking right into those comments?

    That’s terrific! I’m sure you’ll knock everybody out….with wit, talent, spectacle and, if necessary, fists!

  2. Once again and most sincerely, congratulations to you all.

    It will be a damn fine thing to have proper playfriends in the streets with us.


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