The Dark Is Rising

Apparently, Susan Cooper’s book is being filmed by 20th Century Fox — which is pretty freakin’ cool. I love that book, ever since it was given to me as a gift by back in the dawn of pre-history.

Even cooler: They’ve cast Christopher Eccleston as The Rider….the main villain of the story.

Love, and Spankers

I had considered making the usual snarky “Happy Corporately-Mandated Artificial Expression of Love Day” post, but to be completely honest, I’m just not feeling it. Given recent events, especially in the realm of communication gone wrong, I wanted to take the opportunity, artificial holiday or no, to tell people who mean a lot to me that they do mean a lot to me.

I love my friends. I truly do. Even when I’m being a jerk. Even when I say what I shouldn’t. Even when I’m wracked by my life-long fear that you all mean more to me than I do to any of you. The people that I care about are everything that drives me forward in this life. My interests are enhanced by the thought of sharing them with you. My creative expressions are driven by you — my initial audience. I spark and I spin from my interactions with you.

No sarcasm. No bullshit. I love you guys.

On a side note: Those of you coming to Lawrence to see the Asylum Street Spankers: are there any dinner plans? and I won’t be making the show, but getting together for a bite might be nice…..

Hooray for Insurance….


and I just got the statement totalling the charges incurred on 1/22, the day of my surgery:


Daaaaaaaaaaaamn. That’s for one day.

Not sure what we’re gonna be hit for, but I know that it will be nowhere near that total. Yay insurance!