Friday Music

Another week, another Mixtape of Teh Intarwebs.

Discovered a new group this week: 4hero, a UK-based neo-soul/electronica outfit. Brilliant stuff, as I think this track exemplifies: 4hero – “Morning Child.” Can’t wait to hear more.

Richard Kelly, director of Donnie Darko, released a new film last year, Southland Tales — apparently about the end of the world (in as much as Richard Kelly’s films can be about anything). Anyway — in it, Sarah Michelle Gellar plays an ex-pornstar, who now has a music career. Her big single is an “issue song.” The issue? Teen horniness. They put the track on the soundtrack, and it’s damn near perfect slap at the style of Britney Spears, et. al.: Sarah Michelle Gellar – “Teen Horniness is Not a Crime.”

Heavy riff? Check. Blistering guitar solos? Check. Over-the-top swords-and-sorcery lyrics? Check. Bow before the metal majesty that is: Nevermore – “The Psalm of Lydia.” “Now sullen the demons fade away and summon their final call….Lydia slayed them all!”

This track from The National’s new album makes me think a bit of Joy Division, and other bands of that period….and that’s not a bad thing: The National – “Mistaken For Strangers.”

Because it’s fun, and because I haven’t heard it in ages, a goofy caper film in song: The Refreshments – “Banditos.”

If you only know Berlin by “Take My Breath Away” (shudder), or, at best, “Sex (I’m A…)”, then you’re missing out. One of my favorite new wave acts, this is my favorite song from them, before they were swallowed whole by adult-contemporary, movie-tie-in balladry: Berlin – “Masquerade.”

One more track from the Samurai Champloo soundtrack — this time, the opening theme of the series: Nujabes feat. Shing02 – “Battlecry.”

There you go, kids. Enjoy!

6 Replies to “Friday Music”

  1. “Now sullen the demons fade away and summon their final call….Lydia slayed them all!”

    Dude, I told them to shut up about that already. It wasn’t that big a deal. SRSLY.

  2. Richard Kelly, director of Donnie Darko, released a new film last year, Southland Tales — apparently about the end of the world

    OK, let’s see, there was I Am Legend and Cloverfield and M. Night’s upcoming movie … is it just me or is apocalyptica having a momentary resurgence in the cinema?

  3. Once again thanks for posting your Mix Tape stuff

    My fave Berlin song is The Metro personally. I have had several good gaming ideas from that song.

    Separate, few weeks ago saw a group called Dresden Dolls.

    Not sure if your tastes would run to Punk Cabaret but I am a total drooling fanboy now in the mindless sense so putting them out there for your potential enjoyment.

    Have a good one.

  4. Oh yes, I’m quite familiar with Dresden Dolls. I haven’t seen them live, but I picked up their first album in 2003. My favorite track from that album is “The Jeep Song.”

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