Off to the wilds of deepest Indianapolis for GenCon — a convention which featured in a fairly good overview article on io9 today.
I try my damnedest not to set a schedule — I like to be able to change things up as interest and opportunity strikes. Those few things that are set in stone however:
Wednesday night are the Diana Jones Awards. I’ll definitely be there, as Adamant is a sponsor for the event, and plus it always makes a great kick-off to the Con to gather with folks I haven’t seen since last year and catch up before working 48+ hours in the next four days. If you’re in the industry, you know where this event is being held. See you there.
Thursday through Sunday during exhibit hall hours, I will most likely be found at the Cubicle 7 booth (#315), and if I’m not there, somebody there will know where I am.
In the evenings– Dinner? Drinks? Who knows? We’ll see.
The best way to reach me during the show will be to @reply me on Twitter (folks who already know me can send a DM and I’ll give you my cell# for text messaging, etc.).
My first GenCon was in 1991. My first as an exhibitor was 1994. Tallying up the years that I missed, and this is my 15th year in attendance. Round 15, here we go….