OK, folks—
Here’s the deal: I want to make this an every-two-weeks kinda thing, which gives me time to come up with stuff.
As such, that means our second session is supposed to be this weekend. Now, we’ve got
Personal notes:
3) screw you over with add to the campaign. It’s called a “3x3x3”, and is a sheet where you create concepts for Allies, Contacts and Enemies that your characters know, that I can stat up and use. Email me, and I’ll send you the PDF form.
4) Lastly—those of you with the “Moneyed Individual” trait: I need to know a reason why you bother to pull jobs in a Firefly, given that you’ve got plenty of money to keep it flying.
1.) I work later in the evening Friday, so I’m out for that, but totally game for Sunday.
2.) I was totally thinking the same thing about alternating game weeks since and will probably be playing mine as well.
3.) Send the sheet and we’ll fill it out.
4.) I’ve got money, but lets face it, I really don’t want to be home. As my basic info started out, it’s my only realy escape from what I’ve become. Thats why I pull jobs, I don’t care about the money, I just need to occupy my time.
will you email me at tynanglory@hotmail.com?
I have questions… and I find I have not saved your email address.
I invite you to elaborate on this 3x3x3 thing over on the Zone, if you’d like. Sounds intriguing.
Email Sent.
You haven’t e-mailed me the 3×3 thing yet.
Woo!! Firefly!!
1) I also work until 8pm Friday, so Sunday is MUCH better for me.
2) Ditto what Mike said about the sheet too.
3) As for Jules, she’s got the money, but it’s more of a trust fund. It’s there if she needs it, but she’d rather not use it if she doesn’t have to. She was trained to be an actual engineer, not just a mechanic, so she does try to do some design work if she has free time. As soon as I have a few more points to pass around, I plan on adding to her craft and artistry so that she can feasibly make a bit of a wage off of her design work, that’s what she’ll use for her personal spending money. Jobs pay to keep the boat in the black, food, fuel, repairs (lord knows they’ll need a lot of those).
She’s in the black because the war changed her too much to live the ignorant Alliance controlled life of her sisters. Jules Beckett is more a character based off of who she was before she went to help in the war effort and that she plays when back in the Core. She doesn’t care to mix unless the need is dire.