Dick “Go Fuck Yourself” Cheney threw out the first pitch at the Washington Nationals home opener today —
To the sound of thunderous boos and catcalls.
Here’s the video. Fox News actually had to mute the crowd, the booing was so loud…but they brought the crowd sound back in at the end….and they were still roaring with disapproval.
Cost of an illegal Iraq War – $280,000,000,000
Projected national debt – $9,000,000,000,000
Having the Vice-President being booed by 45,000+ Americans during America’s Pastime – Priceless.
Rats. I don’t have Quicktime. And no, I can’t install it, so save your download links.
Same here. It said i needed some sort of extra to view this. Drat!
The fun part is that the Republicans have adopted the Nationals as “their” team to the point that they threatened MLB’s anti-trust exemption if they sold the team to an investment group of which George Soros is a member.
Considering DC went for Kerry by over 90%, maybe they should pick a different team for whom to cheer. Judging from this map, however, they may have to wait until the Mormons buy their own team to find a “friendly” field.