TO: Gareth
FROM: Your Abdominal Muscles
Just an important note: Kicking off your new gym membership is a good thing.
Doing cardio on a stationary bike, followed by a Nautilus circuit, is also a good thing.
However, jumping right in and setting the Crunch machine to 110 lbs, when you haven’t done any gym work in over a decade, is a bone-headed maneuver of the highest order. Yes, you can still do the set. However, in return, here’s some lovely screaming agony from us to you.
Cheers, dipshit.
If you are interested, I have some good training advice, especialy for the over 6 foot crowd.
As I just pointed out to ross, you really have a way with words. You really should be a writer!
I’ll talk to you thursday.
Oh how familiar I am with that particular mistake (only mine was the leg press machine).
Welcome to the Move Your Ass crowd!
God, you’re going to be hating life in the morning.