10 Replies to “You’ve Got To Be Fucking Kidding Me, Part 235,458.”

  1. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


    Brain Hurt! Brain Hurt! Brain Hurt!

  2. Wetlands golf

    Y’know, the Administration must’ve considered the endangered species like the California Condor, the Whooping Crane and the Piping Plover and just said, “Hey, they’re birdies, so they belong on golf courses.”
    This demented logic also works for the eagle.

  3. I heard about this last week on a podcast and was taken aback. Not only that, but they’re including sewage treatment areas as well. Allegedly there’s been a net gain of wetlands this year. Eejits.

  4. Aah, another fine example of rebranding in action. Wetlands? No, ponds on golf courses! Prisoners of war? No, enemy combatants! Poorly veiled excuse to topple a dictator and destabilise the entire region as a consequence? No, democracy on the march!

  5. I can’t say I’m shocked, but I am sickened (again) Till the numb-nuts are out of office, I just remember that one day they’ll all be dead. That makes me smile.

  6. The only thing about the wetlands regs is that a lot of them don’t make sense. I’m all for preserving the habitats down in Florida, etc. However, the “wetlands” that DOT puts in when they make new roads are just breeding grounds for mosquitos.

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