Post: The Follow-upping

Regarding the whole “Pimp” fiasco:

nailed it at dinner tonight:

“It would have been ironic and funny if the card art and presentation were clearly upper-middle-class white boys aping the whole “pimp culture” thing. THAT would have been making fun of the glorification, which is ripe to be made fun of.”

But they didn’t. They went with the racial stereotypes, “blackcent” and all.

Minstrel show, as so aptly noted.

Oh, and those of you who are wondering: Take a look at the growing comments on the last post (and, hell–probably this one as well), and note the number of strangers popping by to call me “fag”, etc. You’re looking at Reason Numero Uno why working in this business sometimes SUCKS ASS. The realization that a depressing large portion of the audience are the sort of mouth-breather that you’re never associate with in your life.

28 Replies to “Post: The Follow-upping”

  1. I’m tempted to put together a list of all those “faggot” game designers who’ve spoken out against this thing so far. It’s getting rather extensive and represents a fair number of folks who’ve written for the Wolf at one time or another.

    Not that it would accomplish anything.

  2. …and as much as I’d like to read something significant into it, I think you’re only looking at the sheer inevitability of numbers involved when a fairly sizable company has been an industry leader for a decade or so. You end up with a bunch of folks who have written for them.

  3. True.

    It’s sad, but even someone like Bruce Baugh doesn’t really carry that much weight with the average game buyer. Which sucks, because Bruce is one of the kindest, most well-spoken, and thoughtful souls I’ve ever met online. And when he’s troubled by something, it sets off alarms.

  4. The most disturbing thing is Bruce’s comment over on ‘ LJ….about this product having come up for discussion years ago at WW, and that it was shot down then as a bad idea….and that he was disappointed, but not surprised, that it came up again.

  5. Yeah. That’s why initially, I didn’t believe it was a real product. I’d heard the jokes, but assumed that’s all they were.

  6. The realization that a depressing large portion of the audience are the sort of mouth-breather that you’re never associate with in your life.

    Wow, way to alienate your customers. *thumbs up*

  7. The realization that a depressing large portion of the audience are the sort of mouth-breather that you’re never associate with in your life.

    You never call me a mouth-breather any more.


  8. Take a look at the growing comments on the last post (and, hell–probably this one as well), and note the number of strangers popping by to call me “fag”, etc.

    Just to point out the hypocracy, I believe you were the person who went on calling others “fucking twats” and “Georgie crackers”…

  9. It’s spelled “hypocrisy”, halfwit. …And “Georgia.”

    Why do you keep coming back here, when you know you’ll just be made to look really, really stupid?

  10. The people I’m referring to (to whit: people who call others “fags”, and I suppose, people like you) are the sort that I’m more than happy to alienate. I don’t WANT customers like that.

  11. *Pat on the head* Yes, thank you for proving my point. Instead of actually, you know, addressing what I said you took the bait of incorrect spelling and just went on about that.

    See, to paraphrase your seemingly favorite line, “I don’t care.” You can call me anything you want really. Doesn’t really change anything. Somehow you had this idea pop in your mind that ridicule drives everyone away or will somehow devolve their minds into a machine that can only spit out random insults. Might be true for some, not for me.

    “Oh no… he thinks his commentary is making me look stupid. I’ll just jump into a hole and cover my head.”


    Oh, and do feel free to make any commentary you’d like in my LJ. As a writer, I always welcome outside opinions. And no worries, I don’t ban or screen comments in mine. It’s an open forum for discussion.


  12. Strange, haven’t really seen any ridicule. Unless you’re referring to typos purposely inserted into a comment made here. “Oh no, a typo! *GASP* TWO!” Sad example of ridicule.

  13. Gosh, G, your LJ is starting to look like some of the MMOG boards I have been known to frequent. My condolences. But then the player bases likely aren’t much different, hm?

  14. omg he totally schooled me by purposely inserting typos omg

    he is teh clevar!

    Yeah. “Purposely.”
    As in “I purposely made myself look like an idiot, in order to lure you into responding.” Ah-hah. That one ranks right up there with the old standard: “I wasn’t trolling…I was running an experiment and YOU FELL FOR IT!!!!”

    Buh-bye now. Done with you.

  15. Although I find myself forcefully reminded (yet again) of the Cosby skit about the shop teacher and the bullet in the furnace.

    Teacher: Yeah, your mother must be pretty low-down for you to be putting a bullet in the furnace.
    One of the students jumps up and says “I didn’t put no bullet in the furnace and quit talkin’ ’bout my mother!”

  16. “bait of incorrect spelling”…..

    You’re actually expecting anybody to buy that?

    You *are* a sad little specimen, aren’t you….

  17. Considering that we make a portion of our living communicating meaningfully with people through the written word, they may mean somewhat more to us then they do to you. However with the prevalence of proofing tools your behaviors do demonstrate a casual disregard for facts and accepted usage, not to mention sloth.

    Good day to you sir.

  18. Why would it be so hard to believe? There are more than a few Bujinkan schools in the US. My original school was Togakure-ryu focused and run by Matt Lachmann who studied under Stephen Hayes and Robert Bussey before expanding and opening his own honbu.

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