So, apparently they ARE taking nominations for the psuedo-cast-party awards, rather than making it obvious Entertainment Staff fiat.
Some odd things….Apparently the Jolly Rogers *aren’t* a music group, they’re a stage show. And there is no “best lane act”, so I guess they get lumped in with Street Characters? Most Improved Character– does that mean a character that is better (maybe now that somebody else is doing it), or a performer who has improved?
Bard’s Bouts has no chance in hell, of course, since “best new stage show” is specified to include music groups as well, despite the fact that those are split into separate categories for the “non-new” award.
Pretty much a given that the Limeybirds will walk away with that one.
….made all the more amusing by the fact that they won’t be there, because they’re a circuit group, and the goddamned cast party wasn’t held during the run while they were here.
Still haven’t made up my mind on whether or not to bother to go.
wow, no crafter awards at all…
as more and more of the shops just become resellers,
i wish i was surprised.
I’m so sad.
yeah well, I’m almost glad that I’ve got class that night so I don’t have the internal struggle of “should I go?”
No question at all as to whether or not we’ll be there… weeknight evening! Bah!
Not that we’d ever get an award or that how long I’ve been there deserves any recognition…maybe if I’m there 50 years, what do you think?
The Jolly Rogers have not been classified as a music act since they included a comedy show in their schedule. The funny thing about that is this year they only did music.
The Lane Acts don’t have any venue for recognition. We generally were not on the list for stars, as we don’t have a manager watching over us, and we are not included in the Street Character category for awards.
And you know, the Limeybirds didn’t enter my mind when I filled out the form (I didn’t read your post before I did it, I just saw you had a link and went over to fill it out)…so I voted for you guys for best new act, because, as it happens, I think you were the best new act…If I were going to vote for the Limeybirds, it would have been for best music act…but they literally fell out of my brain…even with the list right in front of me…which is really funny as I really did dig their stuff…they are some of the best performers I’ve seen in a number of years.
I did like, however, that you could nominate with the list in front of you. That really helped.
They are still going to give the awards to whoever the fuck they want to though.
Come on out, we can sit in the back and heckle, or at least sit slack-jawed at the spectacle as it unfolds in all it’s slendor.