h a v e y o u e v e r. . .
01. Tasted blood? Yup
02. Made out with JUST a friend? Lots
03. Been rejected? Too often
04. Been in love? Yes
05. Been in lust? Yes
06. Used someone? I think so.
07. Been used? Is it being used if you don’t mind?
08. Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Yup
09. Fooled around with someone of the same sex? A bit.
11. Done something you regret? Plenty.
W h o w a s t h e l a s t p e r s o n t h a t . . .
12. You touched?
13. You talked to? My daughter.
14. You hugged? See #12
15. You instant messaged? I don’t IM.
16. You called? My uncle.
17. You yelled at? My daughter.
18. You laughed at? The dumb dog.
19. You had a crush on? I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it may incriminate me.
D o Y o u ?
22. Color your hair? Not in a long time
24. Have Piercings? 3, all ears.
25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? No/Yes/No
26. Floss daily? No
28. Ever get off the damn computer? I try.
29. Sprechen sie deutsche? Ja, Ich kenne einige Wörter.
30. Habla espanol? Sí, un poco de esto, también.
G e n e r a l Q u e s t i o n s
40. Considered a life of crime? Yes
41. Considered being a hooker? Yes
42. Considered being a pimp? No
45. Schizophrenic? Nope.
46. Obsessive? Often.
47. Obsessive compulsive? Not really.
48. Panic? Never.
49. Anxiety? At times.
50. Depressed? Hell yes.
51. Suicidal? Once.
52. Obsessed with Hate? Once.
53. Dream of mutilated bodies? Nope.
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? Nope.
R a n d o m S t u f f . . .
55. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? Anywhere with something social happening. BORED.
56. What would you be doing? Something interesting, preferably.
58. What are you listening to? The sounds of the TV from downstairs.
59. Can you do anything freakish? Define “freakish.”
60. Chicken or fish? Chicken.
61. Do you have a favorite animal? Not really.
C u r r e n t l y :
62. Current Clothes: Jeans, white T-shirt.
63. Current Mood: Fucking BORED.
64. Current Taste: Exquisite, thank you very much.
65. Current Hair: Gathered in a loose pony-tail.
66. Current Annoyance: Being bored out of my fucking skull.
67. Current Smell: Turkey. (I cooked today!)
68. Current thing I ought to be doing: Getting some work done.
69. Current Desktop Picture: This one.
70. Current Favorite Group: Too many to list. (Recently been listening to Bauhaus (Singles 1979-1983))
71. Current Book: Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix (Since we saw GoF today, I figured I’d continue the series).
72. Current DVD In Player: (well, MP3s on the computer, but still) The soundtrack to the 1984 release of “Metropolis”
73. Current Refreshment: Not a thing.
74. Current Worry: Money (as always).
F a v o r i t e s :
76. Food: Lobster
77. Drink: Coke
78. Color: Green
79. Shoes/Sandals: None.
80. Candy: Not a huge candy fan…but if I had to pick: caramel.
81. Animal: Our pets, duh.
82. Movie: If I had to pick (there are MANY), I’d go with Peter Jackson’s “The Lord of the Rings” (taken as a whole).
83. Dance: Don’t really have one. I love to dance, but I’m not so enamored of one that I’d choose it over others.
84. Vegetable: Corn
F u t u r e :
85. What do you want to be when you get older? What I am now, just more successful.
86: Married? Yes.
87: Kids?: Already done.
88: Living Where? I’d like to get back to NYC eventually….but I have to admit that the friends I have here are a very big reason to be happy to stick around…..
T h i s o r T h a t :
89: Gay or straight?: I’ll say “straight-ish.” I’m not sure if I’d call myself bi, since I lean so heavily in one preferential direction.
90: Boxers or Briefs: Boxer-briefs, actually.
91: Reading or Writing: Writing (duh).
92: Basketball or Baseball: Baseball.
93: Walking or Running?: Walking.
95: Left or Right?: Right.
96: TV Shows or Movies?: Movies.
97: Brittany or Christina? Brittany has the better producers and songwriters, Christina has the better voice. Both are somewhat shag-worthy, and both are extremely annoying. It’s a toss-up.
98: Rap or Rock? Either.
99: Day or Night? Night.
100. What do people call you? Gareth, for the most part…although there are 3 who call me “Dad” and an irritating segment of gamers who refer to me as “GMS.”
19. Pussy.
So how did the turkey turn out?
100. Sounds like a guidance system. Are you a counselor?
I’m sorry you’re bored. Anything I can do? ;)
Whatever you say, GMS.
“What do people call you? Gareth, for the most part…although there are 3 who call me “Dad” and an irritating segment of gamers who refer to me as “GMS.””
And a few who still call you “G.” :)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
I think that was my favorite one in the series, though it’s a tough call since the Half-Blood Prince was also very good.
Hey man. Been reading your game reports and whatnot, and very much digging it. I’m about to start up a Serenity game over here sometime in the next few weeks. I just now I sat down to go over the ship rules for the first time, and wow. I realised the book had a few errors in it, but this is nuts.
How did you finally decide on a Complexity level for your players’ ship, given the state of the system?
I’ll be dropping the game reports onto my journal as they happen, if you’re interested. Should be fun I reckon.