Watched Torchwood 2.3, “To the Last Man,” last night. It was nifty to see (however briefly) an earlier version of the Torchwood team (from 1918).
Gave me a mental image I can’t shake, though:
Torchwood — Manchester 1973.
“Attention, little green nonce: You are surrounded by armed bastards!”
I would watch that :)
Is it wrong that I am now much more interested in the 1918 Torchies – who resembled nothing so much as a team of Call of Cthulhu investigators – than the modern ones?
Dave Versace
A friend of mine and I were watching last night’s episode and both thought that it would be extremely cool if they were to do the occasional off episode with a different cast playing a Torchwood team from another era.
So much opportunity for fun stories. For example: A 30’s Torchwood team going up against a covert Nazi group trying to destroy Cardiff with Rift energies, or make contact with possible extra-dimensional allies (something along similar lines) and end up gaining the help of a certain rather insane american named Captain Jack Harkness…
It would make a fun way of showing a few of the details on how Jack got involved with Torchwood.
I was thinking more League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but otherwise along the same lines. Excellent, excellent episode. Poor Tosh.
It’s the 30s team that interests me the most!
Torchwood romances definitely seem to be following the Picard model. Poor Tosh, indeed.