(Taken from
For each question, choose one picture from the first page of the search results on Google Image.
1. The city (and state) of the town you grew up in.
Kinda trippy — not only did I find an image of the town, but a picture of the hospital where I was born (which is now a Seminary).
2. The town where you currently reside.
A shot of our bustling downtown, in 1867.
3. Your first and last name.
4. Your grandfather’s name.
5. Your favorite food.
6. Your favorite drink.
7. Your favorite smell.
Is that Mass Street? Cause that’s what it looked like to me…
Give the lady a prize! Bingo. Spot-on.
Nice selection of pics! Of course, there’s only one Gareth Skarka.
What scares me is that I think I have a vague idea of WHERE on Mass Street that is!
Your favorite smell is the ocean?
Yup. I grew up in the Hamptons. For the first 15 years of my life, I was never more than a couple of miles away from the ocean, and spent a considerably amount of my childhood on boats.