George W. Bush, April 18th, 2006:
” I’m the decider and I decide what’s best. And what’s best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense.”
George W. Bush, April 19th, 2006:
“It’s going to be hard to replace Scott, but nevertheless he made the decision and I accepted it. “
Man, it’s gotta suck when you can’t stick to your bullshit posturing for even 24 hours……
Jon Stewart just nailed Rumsfeld and Bush on their use of “Wild Speculation!” as a term of dismissal toward charges… that have a nasty habit of turning out to be true.
Jon Stewart has helped me keep from pulling my hair out a lot these past several years.
More to the point, John Stewart has kept me in KANSAS and not running screaming to Canada.
I’m still getting over the use of the non-word “decider.” It’ll be a couple days before I can even start to deal with thinking about more duplicity.
Move on to the duplicity, I found it in Onelook.
Sorry, it’s still business-speak crap to me.
Decider, my ass.