Same Old Same….

Republican Senators are proposing to give every American a $100 rebate check to offset the high costs of gas.

Gosh, they’re great for our wallets, aren’t they?

Oh….only one problem: The energy bill which contains that proposal also would open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil drilling. You know — the rape-the-environment plan that has been defeated several times already.


Or, gee, maybe we could ask why the oil companies were given 14.5 BILLION dollars in tax breaks in August 2005, and are now posting record profits? (not costs….not income….PROFITS.)

Crapitty Crap Crap.

As I mentioned a few days back, I had decided not to audition for KCRF, because I doubt that I can handle the physical demands of being on cast.

I woke up this morning from a dream about performing.

When asked, in the dream, why I had changed my mind, I said “because not auditioning felt too much like surrender.”

Well, SHIT.

Now I have no idea what the hell I’m gonna do.

Like Father, Like Daughter….

Proud Dad moment — bu hao yi se.

I just found out that my daughter is one of 6 students from her High School chosen to take a year-long course in Mandarin Chinese, offered at KU next year as part of the new Confucius Institute, a joint project between the University and China’s Ministry of Education.

That’s pretty damned cool.