Proud Dad moment — bu hao yi se.
I just found out that my daughter is one of 6 students from her High School chosen to take a year-long course in Mandarin Chinese, offered at KU next year as part of the new Confucius Institute, a joint project between the University and China’s Ministry of Education.
That’s pretty damned cool.
Totally cool! Go her! :) I can sense you beaming from 2000 miles away!
What an incredible opportunity for your daughter.
Damned cool, indeed. Please pass along my congratulations.
Wow! That’s brilliant!
That totally rocks!! Tell her congrats! :)
Damned impressive stuff!
YAY for daughters!
oontz… oontz… oontz… oontz…
That’s awesome! Tell her congrats for me! She totally deserves this opportunity, lucky girl.
That is really neat!