So I’ve noticed a slight increase in the past couple of days of wingnut fucktards posting comments in my more political posts.
A quick check of user profiles indicates that — *shock of shocks!* — they’re all friends of a particular right-wing stain whom I banned from commenting last year.
(EDIT: Apparently, that’s just a case of “dumb fucks flock together” — the actual culprit (as per a comment in my “Queer or Female?” post) is apparently some forum filled with these asshats, who feel its their right to piss all over my journal because “it’s public.”)
I suspect they’ll get bored with being made to look stupid, but while they’re here, feel free to play whack-a-troll with ’em, if that’s what catches your fancy.
You know, there is something weird going on. I had, in my email, several replies from where he was being excessively rude to me (and also speaking to me as if he thought I were you). I went to the original post to reply to him, since he said some rather false and unpleasant things, and I found that his replies to me had been deleted.
Perhaps he realized that his behavior was inappropriate, perhaps you took his replies down because he was flaming people, perhaps there was a glitch. It is also possible that he decided he could make sneak attacks against people without everyone else seeing how inflammatory and mean he was being.
His replies to me were pretty lengthy, but I figured I would put out some of the fine shining examples of what he said to me. in case anyone missed just how hypocritical this person really is.
You perspective certainly hasn’t shown you to be a mature, rational, thinking human being from my perspective. But then I realize you’re young, quick to anger and obviously unaware of what the realities of your public journal means, and why.
Speaking of people skills, it is quite clear that written word is difficult for you. It is obviously not your strong skill. Nor is communicating, which in case you’ve forgotten involves the skill of listening, which you seem to lack a lot of, as well as jibber jabbering, which you have down pat.
There was alot more than that. He told me that I need how to learn to ask questions like “why”, when the comment he was replying to asked him to “please explain why” he was thinking the way he does. instead of answering the question, he attacked me, and then accused me of having no social skills or writing ability.
I went and looked at his LJ. One of us has recently posted about raising money for breast cancer research and looking forward to spending time with friends. One has posted about assaulting dentists. Can you guess which is which?
No, I went through and deleted his rants, and then banned him from further comments.
Playing whack-a-troll is fun and all, but this guy wasn’t catching the hint that he wasn’t welcome.
Okay, cool. I just wanted to make sure. Yeah, the guy seems pretty clueless in general. Hopefully, he will realize (at least on some basic level) that he was in the wrong.
Why don’t you simply friendslock your posts, if you don’t want people to comment in them? [Or “piss all over,” depending on your idiom.] “Public” has a connotation of, I don’t know, publicity. Perhaps “private” is what you seek?
Please, please, don’t judge us all by MooCow’s standard. Most of us hate him. The last time I saw him in person, I spent several hours speaking at his expense while he was socially trapped into not leaving. [And I’m generally a fairly nice person. Offline, anyway.] Again, I emphasize: not only are we /not/ MooCow, but we don’t /like/ him particularly much. Many of us, anyway: we’re not a homogeneous lump.
And, of course, please don’t feel the forum is the “culprit.” That’s irrational. MooCow doesn’t even, you know, post there. But I do encourage you to enumerate your position there – any of you – particularly since you haven’t done a particularly good job thus far. You can “whack-a-troll” with us, if that’s your desire, or you can just speak rationally, as rational people. [Minus Paul, who I suspect is beyond rationality by this point; it would be in error to judge us all by his standard – or mine, or anyone else’s.] New users have to be approved, but /anyone/ save blatant spammers is approved, so that shouldn’t be egregious.
Better not to discriminate against people based on their group membership, but to judge each according to their merits. That /is/ something you support, isn’t it?