It’s not highly publicized, but eHarmony, the internet dating site, is a Christian conservative group….and as such, they don’t provide services for anyone other that heterosexuals (and the “29 levels of compatibility” they tout are weighted towards white Christians, but that’s another story entirely).
Another company,, is basing its marketing on the segments that eHarmony are rejecting:
Alas, still no dating sites for people who share a common interest in sacrificing goats to Pazuzu and dancing in the hot gush of crimson gore.
That’s pretty awesome.
Yeah, well, the Good Sex for Mutants Dating League (motto: “All the Way on the First Date”) kind of fell by the wayside because only one woman ever signed up.
FWIW, is a different face/branch of
Yeah caught that ad during Heroes a week or two ago… loved it!
Simply brilliant.
That’s why everyone’s going to ;)