

High stress, yet again. The 13-year-old, who recently completed her visit here, has (in addition to the usual hormonal 13-year-old-ness) fallen into the unfortunate habit (all-too-common in children of divorce) of trying to ingratiate herself to whatever side of the family she’s with, by bad-mouthing the other side, and then vice-versa.

The key difference? I recognize this for what it is, and let it blow over. Try to let her know, subtly, that it isn’t needed — she doesn’t need to ingratiate herself to me.

My ex? Not so much — she takes what the 13-year-old says, accepts it as true, and blows up, sending over-the-top vitriolic rants via email … not only to me, but to my parents, where the kid had visited during the summer.

So yeah: Ex-wife Drama. My favorite kind.