Daniel Perez (
The show will be featuring news from e-publishers and e-retailers, as well as anything having to do with the market; interviews with publishers and retailers doing business in the e-distributed gaming market; reviews of digital gaming products for tabletop gaming; and general editorials exploring the state of this segment of the industry, and where it is headed.
The first episode is available at the above-linked site, featuring Daniel’s introduction to the podcast, his plans for it, and a featured GenCon interview with Steve Wieck (co-owner of OneBookShelf, the company behind RPGNow and DriveThruRPG, the market leaders in electronic delivery of RPG material). From what I understand, an interview with me from GenCon should probably be appearing in a future installment.
We’ve needed a reliable source of info like this for a long time, in my opinion, and I’m pleased as hell to see that Daniel has taken the opportunity. It’s also gotten me thinking about an idea that I’ve had kicking around for a while — a possible podcast devoted to how-to and advice for electronic publishers: sort of a podcast version of the ePublishing 101 series that