Playtesters: May 6th

OK, based on the responses from yesterday, I’ve decided that we’ll do this on Saturday, May 6th.

2-ish until whenever. We’ll watch some wuxia flicks, and make characters.

We can do this at our place (sure, my TV is on the fritz, but I think we’ll take up on her offer to borrow her spare until we get the new one in June), get Chinese food for dinner, etc.

So, pencil it in. I’ll post a reminder next week.

2 Replies to “Playtesters: May 6th”

  1. As I’ll be busy keeping Beth from throwing up on her wedding dress that day…I’ll be unable to attend. ;) But maybe the next time around…

  2. Hmm, that day is Beth and Josh’s wedding out on faire site. I plan to go for a bit so might miss a movie, but will plan to attend the rest of the time :-)

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